Recent Commission – Comrades in Arms on Morning Patrol


Commissioner: Pilots Foundation

Canvas size: 36” x 24”

Medium: Oil on Canvas

Date: 2020


Comrades in Arms on Morning Patrol  – The Battle of Britain, 1940Hawker Hurricanes from 601 Squadron fly over Pagham Harbour with Selsey in the distance. They are returning to RAF Tangmere following combat with Stuka dive bombers

Philip says……  “The painting was commissioned by the ‘Pilots Foundation’ to commemorate those courageous pilots and ground crews who fought for our freedom, with many coming to our aid from far off lands.  The painting was born from several sketching ideas I prepared following study of the commissioner’s brief.”


Size Calculator

70cm x 50cm = 27.5” x 19.5”
66cm x 40cm = 26” x 15.5”
48.3cm x 39.2cm = 19” x 15.5”
46cm x 34cm = 18.5” x 13”
38cm x 30.5cm = 15” x 12”