The Artist

Philip E West

Philip E. West

Philip West is recognised as one of the world’s finest aviation artists. Collectors of his original oil paintings and limited edition prints span the globe, many waiting patiently for his next wonderful creation.

With nearly two hundred limited edition prints to his name, a waiting list of commissions for clients existing and new, military, corporate and private, and a head bursting with ideas for new images, life is always busy for this artist based in the tranquil and beautiful countryside of the South Wiltshire/Dorset borders.
Self-taught, Philip took the plunge and became a full-time professional artist, since when he has developed a very loyal and expanding world-wide clientele for his original paintings and limited edition prints.

At Work

Philip is a member of the prestigious Guild of Aviation Artists, and his talent has been recognised by many top awards.

He is a master at painting piston-engine classic aircraft and is renowned for his interpretation of the iconic Supermarine Spitfire and Avro Lancaster. Meticulous research, attention to detail and skill with his brushes result in the authentic recreation of events and scenes, be they airborne, sea or land-based. His versatility also enables him to portray today’s most modern jets.

Philip E West at work
Philip ready to fly

Ready to fly

His love of aviation led him to take to the skies himself, by learning to fly and gaining a PPL, thus being able to appreciate our glorious landscape from an aviator’s viewpoint. The ever- changing scenes and skyscapes add to his portfolio of imagination and inspiration.

Philip’s knowledge of aircraft and the accuracy of his work combine to record moments in history so perfectly that both collectors and admirers of his paintings are able to feel a real sense of the drama and excitement displayed in his art.

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Aviation Masterworks – by Philip E.West

A stunning collection of Philip’s finest works, encompassing all of the most famous aircraft from around the world.

Available in specialist, collectors and limited editions.

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Philip E West Aviation Masterworks